the hallway shrivels to the size of a chair

inert bodies lie on the sides of the hallway

pressed against what were once doorways

those doorways are now screws

pressing themselves against the wooden frames

creating friction & smoke

forcing the bodies to mumble

it is not agony they feel

it is not sadness they feel

it is happiness they fear

they feel trapped in a constant state of

unravelling mysteries &


drenching them in a mix of water

and a little hope

when the bodies stand up

they do so easily

when the bodies stand up

they speak another language

when you wander through the hallway

without an end in sight

the bodies speak in your language

the smoke evaporates when it reaches the ceiling.

It doesn’t want to suffocate

It wants to create a window

through which you and the bodies

can see yourself & their existence

in a separate part of the world

once you look through the window

you see the city spread out

against itself

forming an endless cycle of spring trees & eulogies

you step out & fall.